Student Perspective
Cassidy is a teen who has been attending The Good Fight for several years. She also participated in this year’s Young Chefs Challenge and helped our team maintain possession of the trophy! Here we get her perspective on why The Good Fight is important and what it means to her, personally.
How old were you when you first came to The Good Fight Community Center?
January 4th, 2017. I was 11 years old.
How old are you now?
Why did you come to The Good Fight?
I wanted to join with a friend of mine when we were presented with the opportunity.
What are some of your first memories of The Good Fight?
I remember running laps was a huge part of our workout around the whole area of the gym. Playing games with a medicine ball (I believe that’s the name). “Who’s the champ?” And, oddly enough, my favorite snack at the time, which was cinnamon graham crackers.
You were at all three locations, and I know you hated leaving the first one, can you tell us which location was your favorite and why?
I honestly liked all 3 locations, they each had something that made them unique. I think the first location will always be dear to my heart as that’s where this all began for me and, yes, I did hate that we moved, even though it wasn’t that far. I did cry and yell at Coach Nate, but I think that shows how much that place meant to me. I will say I did make the most memories at the second location, however. The greatest summer of my life took place there. The newest location, I think overall, is the best for kids we’ve had yet. There’s so many new areas and things to do now that it’s so insane to think about when looking back to what we had before. I’m proud that Coach Nate has been able to accomplish so much and improve the lives of so many.
Let’s play a game. How many staff can you name, past or present?
I admit that, for a few, I only remember their faces but here we go: (coaches) Nate, Tony, Emma, Kai, Joe, John(?), Dylan 4+ more; (staff) Krisa, Tony, Kathy, Carl, Lauren, Isaiah, Fue 3+ more.
Name a specific moment or activity that happened that will always stay with you?
The entire 2017 summer. A lot more kids joined, they were all in highschool and I had just entered middle school but, with them, it became the best summer of my entire life. A lot of us from that time are still friends and one even became my coworker, funnily enough. I still talk to a lot of them today, and we’re still the best of friends. Two special memories are:
A water balloon/water gun fight at Riverside park, and
After a long workout, a lot of us huddled up and started singing children’s songs (like the ABC’s for example). Then everyone declared a dog pile on someone whom we called (and still call) “D”. I still have a video of that today.
You used to box here, you still got the moves?
I’d like to believe that I do, but I’m certainly not as fast as I used to be. It’s something that never fully leaves you.
Have you ever been tutored here? Was it helpful?
Slightly. Any help with homework was super beneficial. I was always afraid to ask for help, unfortunately, but for other kids I would say to 100% take advantage of it if you can.
Our motto is “Be Prepared for Life.” In your opinion, have we lived up to that?
In my case, absolutely. I’ve been a part of a few programs now that have prepared me for life. Getting homework done and boxing have also helped with good discipline for myself that still benefits me to this day.
What life skill(s) have we taught you?
Cooking, teamwork skills, listening, adapting, discipline, to not give up (it’s weird how much different that feels when working out), the list goes on.
You participated in “Young Chef’s Challenge” what was that experience like?
It was definitely fun. Helps with teamwork skills with a small group of people that I’ve never known before. You have to adapt, accommodate, and listen to them to also figure out how to benefit the team as a whole. Many fun lessons were learned, and lots of good food was eaten.
Would you tell a student to come to The Good Fight Community Center?
Absolutely. Even myself, I’ve introduced many of my friends to the good fight. Some of those friends are there way more often than me now.
If you were in charge for a day, what would you change about The Good Fight?
I don’t know if there’s much I’d honestly really change. Maybe find a way for more parking spots but that’s about it, haha.
Any additional comments?
The Good Fight has been like an additional home to me. I’ve made so many great connections and have had a lot of the best times of my life there.
Thank you for sharing your perspective, Cassidy!